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To Each His Own

Is that where we're at?
Disanakah kita berada?
If we reach up as the waters climb in us
Jika kita menengadah air membasahi wajah kita
The hardest parts
Bagian tersulit
Blind to reason, lose the sight of what's to come
Dibutakan oleh alasan,kehilangan pandangan atas apa yang terjadi di masa depan
Below or what's above
Diatas atau di bawah
Fall in the rain, keeping the sun below us
Jatuh bagaikan hujan,matahari tetap di bawah kita
Set away your hate
Singkirkanlah segala rasa bencimu

And oh
Why'd you spend your time leading the chorus
Kenapa kau habiskan waktumu untuk berbahagia
When the war was just waiting before us?
Saat pertengkaran telah menunggu kita didepan sana
As if you didn't know
Satu hal yang tak kau tahu
You ignored all the darkest of warnings
Kau hiraukan semua peringatan buruk itu
Found our end in the silence of morning
Mendapati akhir hubungan kita di heningnya pagi
It fell beneath the cold
Serasa menggigil

I'll take the desert, you take the coast
Ku pilih jalanku,kau pilih jalanmu
But to each his own
Dan masing-masing punya takdir sendiri
I'll take the desert
Aku akan memilih takdirku

If we reach up as the waters climb in us
Jika kita menengadah,air membasahi diri kita
The hardest parts of your silence
Bagian tersulit dari kediamanmu
Tried to mark the fallen snow
Mencoba menemukan salju yang jatuh
We'll leave you here, you know
Kan ku tinggalkan kau disini,kau tahu

Why'd you spend your time leading the chorus
Kenapa kau tetap berbahagia
When the war was just waiting before us?
Saat pertengkaran telah menunggu kita di depan sana

As if you didn't know
Jika kau tak tahu
You ignored all the darkest of warnings
Kau hiraukan semua peringatan buruk itu
Found our end in the silence of morning
Mendapati waktu kita berakhir di keheningan pagi
It fell beneath the cold
Serasa menggigil

I'll take the desert, you take the coast
Aku akan memilih jalanku,kau akan memilih jalanmu

But to each his own
Masing-masing menjalani takdirnya
I'll take the desert, you take the coast
Aku pilih jalanku,kau pilih jalanmu
But to each his own
Masing-masing menjalani takdirnya

1 comment for "arti lirik TO EACH HIS OWN - TALOS MAKNA DAN TERJEMAHAN"

Anonymous May 10, 2020 at 7:51 AM Delete Comment
Thank you for the interpretation